Bond Oversight Com. member sought

The Board of Education of Culver City USD is seeking a qualified individual to serve on a committee of community leaders currently serving as the Independent Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee for the District's Measure CC school facilities bond program.

The Board of Education of Culver City Unified School District is seeking a qualified, interested individual to serve on a committee of community leaders currently serving as the Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (“CBOC”) for the District’s Measure CC school facilities bond program.

Applications are being accepted by Culver City Unified School District until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 27. Late applications may not be accepted.

The Appointee will be appointed to serve from the date of appointment until October 31, 2017, and will be eligible for reappointment by the Board of Education for a second and third two-year term.

The appointee will be expected to strictly adhere to the provisions of the Committee Ethics Policy Statement and to attend a Brown Act / AB1234 (Ethics) training at a date and time to be determined.

The following constituencies are represented:

* Business Representative

* Senior Citizen Group Representative

* Taxpayer Organization Member

* Parent or Guardian of Child Enrolled in District

* Parent or Guardian of Child Enrolled in District & Active in a Parent-Teacher Organization

* Two (2) At-Large Community Members

The Appointment for this opening is tentatively scheduled to be considered by the Board of Education during a regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, June 14. Applicants are encouraged to attend this meeting.

Additional information and applications are available in person during business hours from Culver City Unified School District’s Business Services Department, located on the second floor at the District Office located at 4034 Irving Place, Culver City, CA; or may be requested by phoning (310) 842-4220 Ext. 4226, or can be obtained on the School District’s website ( Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Completed applications should be sent or faxed to the Business Services Department of Culver City Unified School District or emailed to by 4:30 PM on Friday, May 27.