

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Feb. 7-14, 2013

Chinese New Year of Snake Sleeping in Winter

Chinese New Year begins Sunday, Feb. 10, at the new moon of Aquarius (22 degrees). It’s the Year of the Black Water Snake (known in the Midwest to be gentle). The element of the year is water, element of changeability. “Snake sleeping in winter” is a year of transformation, warning of a period of preparing for hard times. It’s a year of transforming and awaking humanity from its slumbering belif in all that’s untrue. A year of learning the difference between illusion and reality. It’s a year of transformation, the snake shedding its skin at times blinded. Colors of the year are black, dark green and indigo blue – darkness of the seed underground. The darkness needed to gestate a new reality. Water is needed so the seeds, planted for future use, can come forth. All that occurs in 2013 will bear fruit in 2014. In the Year of the Snake we are to set our ship on course toward our long held dreams, hopes and visions. The Year of the Snake brings forth the Feminine archetypes – strength of the receptive, relational and reflective powers, shadowed for eons and emerging this year to stand equally with the masculine radiatory powers. We are to be poised and receptive as sudden shocks and realizations occur. As the new year begins, we place a pine or cedar branch at our front door to welcome the Snake. We make a wish for the upcoming new year – that a cherished dream come true. Tuesday, Feb. 12 is Mardi Gras. Wednesday, the 13th, is Ash Wednesday. Lent comes early this year.

ARIES: Compromise and teamwork are your keywords ithis new year. Your fiery character will relish the leadership they bring. You realize how important others help you learn. They are your blessings. You will change the way you view yourself and family. Something comes along that allows you to soar above all expectations. You learn to love differently.

TAURUS: You will create safety and security as changes occur in the world. You seek to leave one place for another. However that new place may not be revealed yet. All things unexpressed, and many items in your life, untouched for years, must come into the light. Eliminate as much as possible. You discover you’re really brave and bold. Speech suddenly finds you.

GEMINI: It’s important to bring forth your dreams, hopes and wishes. Often they rest untouched within. Sometimes you don’t believe in them anymore thinking they’ll never come true. Sometimes you give up on them. However, they are still within your evolutionary path and you must, search for and express them as your deepest truths. They identify what you’re intended to be.

CANCER: You’re learning to balance challenges with comfort and ease. You find life once again exciting and reality as one set of changes after another. You come to value your mind like never before. A certain level of tension creates a motivation within to change how you relate to others. You begin to reveal your true feelings. You realize the only things left to lose are untruths.

LEO: You will become greater than you thought you could be. All suffering turns into joy. Joy is a quality of the Soul. Happiness is part of the personality. All parts of yourself, your past and present beliefs, will go through a clearing process. All that doesn’t support your future will begin to be eliminated. This will create a sense of protection. And you turn toward your home and tend to it with loving care.

VIRGO: So much will change for you this year. Things will be shaken up and values that you thought important will be different within the next 12 months. You will want to burst forth and stand directly within the changes. You will want to be liberated from everything in the past. You have many natural talents. It’s a year for integrating and synthesizing them. Offer them to a greater cause.

LIBRA: Relationships are a natural field of reality for you. Libras are in relationship to learn how to be in relationship, how to give and take, create boundaries and how to always have Goodwill which creates Right Relations. Last year Saturn taught you the value of relationships (one in particular). This year you will experience a deeper intimacy. You will share more. And you will contact someone you’ve almost forgotten.

SCORPIO: Your mind is like a beam of light, focusing upon things that need research. You continue with this discipline and undertake great tasks You must begin to write more, detail your research, learn new healing techniques and tend to an emotional issue. You’re capable of healing self and others. And of creating a harmony that balances and brings forth long held dreams. This will be a powerful experience in your life.

SAGITTARIUS: You’re called to adventure in the new year of the Snake. You’ll learn about commitment and find that your “grass” (think lawn, field of reality, endeavors) is actually greener. You begin to exchange information and ideas, creating real communication and this makes you feel your life more truthful and liberating. You encounter polarities and meet them with compromise. Don’t resist the dark days. They offer information.

CAPRICORN: Get your big boots on because this new year of the black water snake will be one of ambition, climbing the ladder and achieving a position of recognition. You have working with ethics and responsibly through the years creating a groundwork of preparation. In months to come you step into your authentic self. Your power is “power with others.” Never “power over others.” This is your strength. Your “yoga.”

AQUARIUS: Unusual perspectives come to mind as the new year unfolds. Many will consider your ideas too radical. But you know what is true and important for your life to be fulfilled. You will meet all ideas with a sense of adventure and excitement. You know you must change the world. That is your Aquarian task. So you must be innovative, challenging and speak the truth when needed. Tension will push you forward to construct the new universe.

PISCES: You must choose rest and nourishment in the coming new year, honoring the needs of your body, heart, mind and Soul. You must be near water, swim daily in warm pools and avoid anything processed and synthetic. Your energy is becoming subtle and powerful. Tend to you health. Neptune is transiting Pisces and you must take care of all levels of your physical world. So the many layers and dimensions of the spiritual work can take hold. Place crystals all-around where you live.

Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey books

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com

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