Tapping into Genius: A smile is best way to improve your world

A BETTER WORLD—Smile, it's the quickest way to improve your situation. Traci C. Adams brought her winning smile and amazing art to the walls and halls of El Rincon Elementary School.  Learn more about Traci at:  www.TheDreamPainter.com

“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” – Phyllis Diller

There are times when we overlook the obvious. Whether it is because we are rushing, or we have too many things on our mind, it is easy to walk around with blinders on. The difficulty with this way of being is that we do not see the very things we are looking for. This is why taking a breath, slowing down, and smiling at the world around us is so important.

A smile is an indicator that we are confident and secure in our surroundings. In fact, there are many who suggest that if we will sit quietly and smile, it will indicate to our nervous system that all is well. Our feelings will begin to match our expression. A smile is valuable and yet it is often underestimated in our world.

By smiling at the people around us, whether it is in a meeting, or on our way to work, we begin to experience a different world than the one we witness when we maintain a stoic outlook. It takes courage to be vulnerable enough to let others in on our joy. This is partly because the people around us might not be ready to accept the gift we are offering them. In those cases where someone seems to turn their nose up at our smile, it is important to recognize that it says more about them then it does about us.

There are many students in our district who are smile specialists. Whether they are at the top of the world academically, struggling to get by, or somewhere in the middle, these students cannot help but light up the world around them. It is important that we honor and acknowledge these people for their aptitude in the smiling department. Their ability to smile is more than just a gift, it is a choice.

Overtime, we come to see that what makes a smile so amazing is that the person delivering it is making a choice to do so. In a world that offers so much to frown about, and so many people insisting that frowning is the only appropriate response, there are people who make the choice to smile. It is this choice, in the face of inner and outer resistance, that makes a smiley person such a delight.

There is a second grade student who demonstrated the value of a smile last week. As I facilitated a small group writing activity, one of the students was very vocal about how bad her day was going. I let her know that I understood what she was going through and then let it go. The student, however, was not ready to do so. She continued to talk about it, as if on repeat. After a few moments, the smile specialist spoke up. What he said, while simple, touched me deeply.

The girl was upset because she was sure that the plans she made for the day were not going the way she imagined them. This young boy looked at her and smiled. He told her to “not even focus on any of that”. He assured her that she was going to have a “wonderful day!”  As the girl took in what he said, she relaxed and focused on her assignment. I let the boy know just how amazing he is and appreciated both of them for working together in such a positive way.

A smile has power behind it. A smile is a sign that we are in tune with the greater good and that everything is going to be okay. With everything going on around us, it is important to harness our own joy. It is time to recognize that our outlook is a choice that we get to make. A smile is the simplest and most effective way to improve any situation.

If you find yourself feeling like the world is dark or unfriendly, do not overlook the most potent tool you have to brighten it up. When you smile, it will improve the lives of others. You will be giving people a reason to smile without recognizing that you are doing it. As you practice flashing your smile, you will be surprised by the positive feedback you receive. You will also benefit from the ease with which you move through your successful days.

Edward Biagiotti is the Inclusion Specialist for Culver City Unified School District. He is also co-host of the popular radio show, Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed, to find out more go to www.DarrellandEd.com