Tapping Into Genius: Start by appreciating what you have


“To attract good fortune, spend a new coin on an old friend.” – Chinese Proverb

We all have goals and desires; those things that feel good to think about and imagine having. It might a job, car, or relationship. You might want the perfect body, or your dream home. Whatever it is you desire, the road starts with appreciation.

I worked with a high school student who felt misunderstood and was giving up hope for a positive school experience. It turned out that he had a burning desire to be a graphic designer and make his own line of clothing. He was under the impression that the adults in his life did not support his dreams and often presented them with a resistant, borderline hostile, attitude. When his teachers reflected that resistance back to him, he interpreted their behavior as them not wanting him to be successful. He was getting trapped in a negative spiral of cause and effect.

With some encouragement and an opportunity to look at things differently, he started to see a new picture. It turned out that one of his teachers had a long career in graphic design prior to her current occupation. As he dropped his guard and became more open to her input, the two started talking about how he could prepare himself for the very job he dreamed of. He would have missed this opportunity had he continued to curse the situation and assume that no one understood him.

When we want something, particularly when we have a burning desire, the tendency is to look at what we have as not being good enough. While it is true that life is designed to evolve and grow, cursing our present situation tends to make it linger longer. When we fight with the life we are currently living, we cutoff our connection to the very inspiration that gave us the desire for more in the first place.

It is our attitude that travels with us from job to job, relationship to relationship, and house to house. Therefore, getting into a positive, appreciative state of mind is the best way to prepare for that next big step. When we consciously focus our minds on appreciating the things and people in our lives now, something magical happens. We begin to see that the things we desire are already more present than we thought. As we act from this joyous awareness, we become more attractive to the world around us.

Whatever you desire, there is hope. Life is supporting you in ways that you cannot yet see. The best way to tune into the golden road to your dreams is to bless the road you’re on. Make a list of all the ways that you are already doing the job you dream of. You can do the same for that dream relationship, or the ideal living situation.

The more you find what you seek in the world around you, the more you open the door for greater opportunities. The word appreciation means to have a full understanding of a situation. Financially, appreciation means to grow in value. Living your dreams starts with appreciating the dream you are having now.

Edward Biagiotti is the Inclusion Specialist for Culver City Unified School District. He is also co-host of the popular radio show, Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed, to find out more go to www.DarrellandEd.com or send an email to: EdwardBiagiotti@ccusd.org