Tapping into Genius: Put your enthusiasm to work

When you get enthusiastic about life, your success is guaranteed. District Superintendent, Joshua Arnold, Ed.D., brings his enthusiasm to everything he does and it creates a ripple effect, bringing out the best in all of us. Photo by Edward Biagiotti.

“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty that makes human nature rise above itself in acts of bravery and heroism.” – Alexander Hamilton


When you feel stuck or overwhelmed, it is easy to sulk and feel sorry for yourself.   When your rational mind cannot see a solution to a problem or a way through a situation, it is natural to want to give up.  No matter who you are, there are going to be times when you do not see how things will work out.  During these times, it is important to keep your spirits high.  By remaining enthusiastic, looking at life as a mystery to be unraveled, rather than a problem to be solved,  you stay open to possibilities that might have otherwise been missed.

In our district, not a day goes by that challenging situations do not arise.  This is the nature of life, especially in the world of education.  Just this past week, the heat wave caused our schools to manipulate schedules and come up with an effective game plan to keep our students cool, hydrated, and safe.  The key to navigating unknown waters is to maintain a level of enthusiasm about the process.  When we get excited about the unknown, wondering about the possibilities, we always find the best solutions and come away feeling inspired.

District Superintendent, Joshua Arnold, Ed.D., is known for bringing his enthusiasm to everything he does.  A meeting with Arnold will leave you feeling excited about what is possible, and what is in store, for our district and our students.  During the heat wave, Arnold could be seen going from school to school, keeping his hands in the clay, and encouraging others, while seeking concrete solutions for teachers and students to maintain an effective learning environment while mother nature did her thing.  Although we cannot always control the things that happen around us, an enthusiastic approach makes a big difference in our experience.

Often times, with young people, it is their suppressed enthusiasm that is the missing ingredient in their success in the classroom.  When children lose touch with their joy, they cut off a great deal of their access to higher order thinking.  As this happens, the students become disinterested in learning, and it can show up as a general lack of focus, acting out in class, or as simply getting by.  An enthusiastic group of children has enough energy to light up a city, and the world.

When students come to lunch group we collectively reignite our enthusiasm and come up with ways to generalize that enthusiasm, constructively, in and out of the classroom.  It is a pleasure to create a space where these students can naturally express all of themselves.  The look on the face of a student who suddenly enjoys being at school, with friends, is priceless.  We focus on encouraging these students to bring out the best in themselves, and find ways to share their gifts with the community.

I worked with a student who was failing his classes and seemed completely disinterested in school.  He did not want my help, and it was tough to get him to complete any assignments.   It did not, however, take much energy on my part to spark up a conversation about graphic design, and developing a clothing brand that he had been envisioning.  He seemed amazed that I was interested in hearing his ideas and he lit up as he shared them with me.

Over time, this student, who had previously pushed away all help, started asking for me on days when I was not around.  He began applying the same enthusiasm that he had for clothing design to his academic work.  With support, he built positive momentum and, over time, completed all of the classes required for his diploma.

Perhaps you have been feeling down and disinterested in some area of your life.  It is time to rekindle your enthusiasm.  When you get happy, you bring your best to all that you do.  Your smile alone will open doors that might have been closed in the past.  One easy way to get the ball rolling is to make a list of everything that you are grateful for and all of the things that are going well in your life.  It is amazing how quickly you will realize that the good far outweighs the bad.

By lighting up the world with your enthusiasm, you will make stronger connections with the people around you.  You will feel compelled to highlight the good, and in doing so, magnify that good in your experience.  The feedback you get from your colleagues, family, and friends will add more momentum to your joyous outlook.  Now is the perfect time to polish up the jewel of your enthusiasm and start living the good life.


Edward Biagiotti is the Inclusion Specialist for Culver City Unified School District.  He is also co-host of the popular radio show, Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed, to find out more go to www.DarrellandEd.com.