Aries Festival – love and the forces of restoration


Sunday (Palm Sunday), April 17, 7:44 pm (PST), the Aries (rays 1 and 7) Solar Full Moon Festival occurs. On this day, the love of God streams into the Earth. Esoterically, it is the great western Resurrection (of Life) festival when the spirit of resurrection is called forth to release the forces of restoration. Active during spring, these are the forces that renew the Earth. Emanating from the mind of God, and the intelligence principle in nature, they stimulate, broaden and awaken the human mind (Mercury) so that intelligent thinking and appropriate action come forth. During this time of transition and world emergency, the forces of restoration are active in every land. Initially, they produce increased destruction, leading to a reorganization of national life worldwide. Their effects are physical. Their objective is the creation of the new Earth, new culture and civilization (Ray 7) – outer evidences of a vivified new inflowing life force (Ray 1).

Everyone is invited to join the New Group of World Servers and the devic builders by reciting the Great Invocation at the time of the full moon. The Great Invocation is the mantram of direction for humanity. Tasks: Plant spikenard and all edibles, buy land, put away food and form communities. Restoration also depends on each of us.

ARIES: There will be much to ponder this week as ideas flow into your mind like lightning – like revelations – providing new information concerning self-identity, your choices and tasks you’re to complete this lifetime, combining them into a synthetic unity. It’s done by understanding family history, realizing that we are our ancestors, here each lifetime to heal each other – family, friends, humanity and ourselves. Then we uplift and become transfixed.

TAURUS: Thoughts flowing through your mind like fire are from Mercury, god of alchemy, builder of the Antakarana, Rainbow Bridge – and are needed to move onward and upward on the evolutionary Jacob’s ladder. You almost seem lost in realms that none of us perceives or even vaguely understands. Remain there though, for information received saves the world. Take time for the garden and eating correctly, lest you fall down and forget who you are. Raw milk is best with chia seeds.

GEMINI: The planets are gathered in Aries, your 11th house of being recognized in the group for the gifts you offer the world. An invitation to help create the new culture and civilization is being extended to you. This is a serious, esoteric invite that your heart (if not your daily life) understands. Aries provides new self-identity. It rebuilds the mind, then it allows us help build the new era and all that’s new. You are called to do this. Begin to read Externalization of the Hierarchy, by A.A. Bailey.

CANCER: A new higher mind – the soul mind – is attempting to direct you, influencing you to think on justice (why is she blindfolded?) and philosophy (ancient wisdom teachings). You may be considering travel, or study if travel isn’t a possibility. You’re to create a garden – one that is both within your mind and in your environment. In the Aquarian Age, humanity is to contact the devas (light beings, angels) for assistance in all endeavors. They await your contact. They abide everywhere.

LEO: Many people are suffering these days. We have many lives, and in some lives, we suffer tremendously. It’s important to know our God, Sanat Kumara (ancient of days in the Bible), from Venus suffers too. When we suffer we are able to share his burdens and alleviate his sufferings, providing him rest and care. Those who suffer understand others who suffer. Suffering eventually makes us able to heal through compassion. Some day, some time, somewhere, this has, is or will occur for you. We stand with you.

VIRGO: Because all charts contain all 12 signs, you know it’s good to read them all each week. The Aries planets are hiding quietly in your eighth house of transformation, sex, intimacy and other people’s money (or money held in common). The purpose of planets in the eighth house is to transform everything into better and greater, more inclusive and loving terms. Can you do this? I know you have the intentions? Yes, you say. Joy appears subtly.

LIBRA: a new identity is occurring for you, Libra, and it’s happening within relationships. You require that all things new appear in your relationships. You also require that things you’ve asked for before also appear. You are thinking about relationship and how they are or are not of value to you. You realize that you become attached and bonded, yet you also seek independence. Greater courage and strength are helping to move you forward on your own. Love comes again.

SCORPIO: Your daily life is experiencing great change. A new identity seems to be appearing at work. A desire (Mars) to do more and better with new ideas (Mercury) that outline the new culture, architecture and atmosphere (all Uranus) appear to you everywhere. You wonder how to make money while serving self and others. These are involved and complex questions. Pondering them, the answers appear.

SAGITTARIUS: You sense a need for restoration within your creative endeavors. Having extended yourself into a single work project, you now ask who you are, where you’ve been and with what you identify? There’s a time in everyone’s life when fun and playfulness are needed. That time is now. You cannot hold onto anything. The present is fraught with anxiety, and the future simply isn’t here. You are in a transitional experiment. There are no rules. Be merry no matter what.

CAPRICORN: New ways of thinking, new surroundings, new levels of intelligence and new interactions are being called forth with family. The planets are hovering in your living room, kitchen and bedrooms, seeking all that’s new. Feeling this, you must move beyond disharmony and chaos. Here is a prayer from the Upanishads: Lead us, oh Lord, from darkness to light, from the unreal to the real, from chaos to beauty. Recite it over and over. Teach it to your family. Ohm.

AQUARIUS: Notice brightness with new ideas flowing into your mind. A great force is spreading over the earth as we prepare for the three spring festivals, especially the Aries festival, when love falls to Earth. Revelations are being precipitated down into the world. See if you can perceive them. If so, record them for later study and use. They form the foundation for your future endeavors. It takes silence to receive them. Now you know.

PISCES: You are to think about present surroundings, environments, resources and values in new ways. Whereas most things in form and matter have seemed hidden from you, new thoughtforms and solutions are appearing in little thoughts and dreams – symbols from the raincloud of knowable things. Study to understand the transition of the Hebrew people on their journey from Egypt (Taurus) to Canaan/Israel (Aries). New teachings then emerge.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition.


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