Kentwood Players perform ‘Big Fish,’ a tall family tale


Kentwood Players now presents the new Broadway musical BIG FISH, which opened March 17 and continues through Saturday, April 22. The story is based on a novel by Daniel Wallace.

Shows are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. at the Westchester Playhouse, 8301 Hindry Ave., Los Angeles.

The production is directed by Catherine Rahm and choreographed by Alison Mattiza, and produced by Lori A. Marple-Pereslete for Kentwood Players by special arrangement with Theatrical Rights Worldwide.

Featured in the cast in alphabetical order are Jane Armstrong, Elizabeth A. Bouton, Terry Delegeane, Lindsay Marie Giraldi-Palmer, Samuel Goldman, Dominique Johnson, George Kondreck, Dana Mazarin, Roy T. Okida, Dave B. Parke, Kim Petersen, Anderson Pillar, Shandar Robinson, Steffan Scrogan, and Jon Sparks.

“Big Fish” centers on the story of Edward Bloom who has lived a full and fantastical life, populated by witches, giants, and mermaids, marked by true love that stops time in its tracks, and framed by heroics that push the limits of believability. His adult son, Will, is no longer amused by his father’s fantastic tales, insisting on a rational rather than a fantastical account of one’s life.

When Edward’s health declines, and Will learns that he and his wife, Josephine, will have a son of their own, Will decides to find out his father’s “true” life story, once and for all.

‘Big Fish’ is a heartfelt, powerful, and truly magical musical about fathers, sons, and the stories that we use to define our identities. With spine-tinglingly beautiful music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa, and a funny, heartwarming book by John August, “Big Fish” is a magnificent “Big Fish” of a tale, itself — spectacular, fantastical, and overflowing with love.

Tickets are $25 with a $2 discount for seniors and students. To purchase tickets, call 310-645-5156 during box office hours, Wednesday through Saturday from 4 to 7 p.m. Tickets may also purchased online at  For group ticket sales of 10 or more, call the box office for group rates. This musical is appropriate for all ages, but children younger than 16 must be accompanied by an adult in the theater.

For more information about Kentwood Players, including our current production and upcoming auditions, please visit the Kentwood Players website at You can also find Kentwood Players information on Facebook and Twitter.

To meet the “BIG FISH” production team and learn more about Kentwood Players and what goes on at the Westchester Playhouse, the public is invited to attend their membership meetings, which are free and held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Westchester Playhouse, located two blocks west of the San Diego Freeway and two blocks north of Manchester at 8301 Hindry Ave, Los Angeles. The March membership meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 22.