Letters To Editor


I have loved Culver City for more than 60 years and last Saturday March 16, I had the good fortune to love our city even more.

I attended the fabulous performance of the musical Rent by our incredibly talented Culver High students.

Their singing voices and acting ability was absolutely superb. The staging of Rent was also so great. IT was completed by multitalented people such as the drama teacher Ms. Jill Novick, who directed it, Dr. Tony Spano, musical director and Julie Carson, choreographer.

I cannot stop talking about that enjoyable experience to all of my friends. Most of them wished that they had heard about this show so that they could have enjoyed it too.

Please let our residents know when our gifted students will be putting on another show. I promise you it will be so worthwhile.

Martha Sigall

Parrot flies away

Now that’s what I’m talking about, a local newspaper that reports on the beauty of living in a small community. While many may think a lost parrot isn’t news worthy, in fact, it is quite the opposite. It shows what Culver City is all about.

We make up this town and the interactions between neighbors and friends is what brings us together.

Thank you for reporting on this. It makes me proud to call Culver City home.

Melvin Thompson

My wife and I enjoyed reading the News this week. Especially the parrot story. We even went out and looked for him. Hope he returns to his family.


Joseph Bannister


Please let us know if Patches the parrot has found his way home. I know how heart breaking it is to lose a pet. I wish the Torres family the best.

Sasha Brady

Fracking woes

Thank you for your continuing coverage of the fracking issue. It’s something the community really needs to be aware of.

Janis Cavanaugh

I understand fracking is a hot topic in this great town of ours, but enough already. Isn’t there something else to fill the pages of the paper?

Sharon Islip

The forgotten soldiers

As a veteran, I appreciated the piece by Pete Whalon on the remembering the forgotten soliders. So often the sacrifice made by the men and women that serve are overlooked. Not to mention the sacrifices their families also make.

Thank you Pete for serving and thank you for a wonder article.

Dan Alexander