Patient protections at risk


I am reaching out to you today on behalf of the millions of patients with celiac disease, non-celiac wheat/gluten sensitivity, and other autoimmune diseases. I am deeply concerned about the possible removal of key protections in current law that guarantee access to comprehensive and affordable insurance coverage for patients with pre-existing health conditions. As Congress begins work to replace the Affordable Care Act, we are encouraged by the recognition that affordable protection for patients should be retained.


There are four patient protections that are absolutely essential to ensure that quality, affordable coverage remains accessible for these individuals and their families:


1 – Prohibit pre-existing condition discrimination

2 – Prohibit lifetime and annual caps on insurance benefits

3 – Allow young adults to stay on family coverage until they are 26

4 – Limit out-of-pocket costs for patients


The patient protections laid out in the Affordable Care Act have provided a degree of security and certainty for Americans with serious illnesses that they now expect. On behalf of the millions of patients with celiac disease and non-celiac wheat/gluten sensitivity, we urge you to stand with us as we fight to protect broad, equitable, and affordable access to healthcare.


Liz Voosen

Los Angeles