Look “whoo” is in the park

Give a hoot! The Los Angeles Audubon sponsors a monthly bird walk at the park on the third Saturday of every month. Photo by Eric and Ann Brooks

Great Horned Owls have been found nesting at Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area. A mother owl was first seen in the nest on March 13. A small, fuzzy white head appeared on April 16 – a baby owl. A second baby was also spotted. On May 23, the babies were seen in flight.

The Los Angeles Audubon sponsors a monthly bird walk at the park on the third Saturday of every month (except July and August) at 8 a.m. It is led by a Culver City resident. Beginners are welcome and binoculars are available to those who don’t have their own.

For more information, call Ann and Eric Brooks at (323) 295-6688.