Unique online auction to benefit health center


Now is the time to visit the website for the online auction benefitting the Sandy Segal Youth Health Center. The auction began on Jan. 31 and will end on Feb. 10. A variety of items are on the auction block including household items, collectibles, restaurants, vacations, golf packages, and more!

The website for the auction is www.biddingforgood.com/SSYHC2015.

The Friends of the Sandy Segal Youth Health Center is sponsoring the auction as part of its annual fundraising event, which takes place Saturday, Feb. 21 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Culver City beginning at 5:30 p.m.

This is an extra special evening because it will also be a cel-ebration of the 25th anniversary of the Friends group. In addition to dinner, auctions (For the live auction, participants must be present at the event), and entertainment, three outstanding community members will be recognized. Two of the honorees are Michael and Judy Bauer, community activists and dedicated supporters of the Health Center. The third honoree is Dave LaRose, Superintendent of the Culver City Unified School District, who is one the Center’s strongest advocates.

The cost of the event is $100 per person or $110 at the door. To RSVP for the event email Sarah Carpenter at sarahssyhc@ gmail.com or call her at 310-837- 3734. For information about the Health Center go to: www.culvercityyouthhealthcenter.org.