

Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 4-10, 2013

 Let Isolation Be the Rule – Cancer New Moon

 Thursday is the 237th birthday of the United States formed (Declaration of Independence) under the liberating sign of Cancer (Ray 2 of Divine Intelligence, equalized economics, intelligent thinking humanity). The United States continues to experience economic changes and transformation in the coming months. The astrology of change (of the Ages) experienced within the United States coincides with the failing of the (old) economic structures worldwide. It looks like breakdown everywhere in the world. When there is breakdown, there is a simultaneous release of energy, which produces new opportunities for the creation of a new world. We are in this time now. Things are very unusual and unpredictable, irregular, capricious and at times random. The rules, archetypes and templates of life are changing as we stand in-between times and ages.

 Monday’s 16 degrees Cancer new moon (after midnight) has the keywords “Let isolation be the rule.” This is a stage of personality reality just before the Soul begins to direct the personality. Life after life, we build our personality (physical body, emotions, lower mind). We are completely focused on self-development, an important developmental stage.

 Eventually we begin to feel isolated, our personality cannot connect with anyone, not family or friends. We are seeking a new more unified reality. This is when the personality calls in the Soul for direction. And the Soul then builds within our bodies a “house of light.” We are no longer isolated. We become the Light of the World, nourishing all of life. This is Cancer’s task.

 ARIES: Are there difficulties with finances or are you managing well, paying bills on time, tending to monetary needs with ease and organization? What is the relationship between work and home life? Are they balanced or is there tension? You will consider with seriousness what roles you play professionally and personally. You will seek to integrate them. Be home more. Be mindful wherever you are.

 TAURUS: In the coming months revelations provide you with expanded information. You will seek out and research only what calls to you. You are concerned with the future safety and care of humanity. There will be a focus on resources and finances in order to create the first foundations of the new culture and civilization. The coming months sees all you’ve talked about come to life. What’s occurring with your finances and resources?

 GEMINI: The energies influencing you settle themselves within your body, heart and mind. You’re entering a new level of inner pondering concerning certain activities in your life. You will ask many questions asked before but now you ask on a deeper level. You may feel alone again as if in a desert you didn’t create. At times you’ll feel everything in life is delayed. It’s not…it’s just in hiding for a while, creating all things new for you.

 CANCER; You may feel restricted physically wherever you find yourself each day. Something ends with someone and something begins with others. Whatever you are doing within a group or community and for the future, know that responsibilities will increase and then accelerate. Tend to your finances with great care. Have you bought gold or silver yet? And listened tosolari.com/blog?

 LEO: Use these weeks to be behind the scenes more than usual. This is a time of rest, renewal and relaxation, tending to things at home behind closed doors. It’s also a time of remembering family who now reside in heaven. If there’s great grief the homeopath Ignatia Amara helps the cellular level release sadness that hinders being in the present – which untended grief can do. Something within ends for you. Gratitude releases it.

VIRGO: As a long period of transformation begins in your life, your self-esteem also shifts and changes. Assessing the reality of your life’s responsibilities, you review your resources and finances. Very subtle change is occurring shifting your appearance, how and what you feel, and your ability to interact within relationships. The last is most important. Maintain ethics and truthfulness and love in all matters.

LIBRA: Has where you live become somewhat upset and/or disheveled? Are you wondering what the future is concerning home and family and how you can bring forth order, nurturance and care? Is there some type of wound involved? Do you feel the need to travel somewhere (biological home) and stay there awhile? The world is becoming your home. You are its mother. To bring about balance.

SCORPIO: It’s best to tend carefully to your use of money. You may feel it’s unlimited. It’s not. Be cautious. You have two choices with your resources – overspending indiscriminately on trinkets or spending on ‘real goods’ (food, water, vitamins, etc.), silver, gold, art, education, travel, or culture and for those you love. Do not neglect personal daily disciplines. As structures change those disciples hold you with care.

SAGITTARIUS: It would be good to consider a journey somewhere important to you – perhaps to a school or retreat center, a seminary or college. Wherever it is and whatever you do, the purpose is to find your way through the many and various options offered and to find how to best express yourself with ideas and spiritual realities that many in your circle of friends do not understand.

CAPRICORN: As each day slows you sense the need for a more contemplative life providing time for rest and review before an entirely new reality is offered. What are the most recent questions you’re asking? Do they concern your goals, creativity, and life’s purpose? Sometimes when we’re called to new life endeavors, what we’ve done before is no longer available. It simply disappears. A new life appears.

AQUARIUS: Is your mind working overtime, are you feeling nervous? Are many thoughts flying about like birds nesting young ones? Use this time to gather information, create journals, communicating with those important to you. Later as the energies calm, you become quiet, serious and solemn, pondering upon the past several months. Decisions become clear and easy. There’s much work to do.

PISCES: It may be important to move back into the shadows, stay out of the limelight, retreat a bit and ponder first upon this past year and secondly where you’re heading. Has life become more difficult in some ways and are events less predictable as if the rules have changed? The new rules haven’t been formed yet. This situation will continue. Where is your home?

Risa D’Angeles, founder & director…

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Ageless Wisdom teachings –  The foundation of the Teachings is Astrology.

~Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com

~Web journal: www.nightlightnews.com

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