Council candidate announces four ‘prominent’ endorsements

Freddy Puza

Freddy Puza’s campaign for Culver City Council is gaining momentum with four prominent new endorsements, adding to the outpouring of support from advocacy groups, local leaders and community members.

The endorsements from Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, Abundant Housing LA, LGBTQ Victory Fund and the Culver City Democratic Club demonstrate the candidate’s broad support across issues and communities, and reflect his commitment to addressing the tough issues facing Culver City, including housing, transportation, climate change, mobility, and public safety.

Assemblymember Bryan represents Culver City in California’s 54th Assembly District. Abundant Housing LA is a pro-housing, nonprofit advocacy organization working to help solve Southern California’s housing crisis. LGBTQ Victory Fund works to achieve and sustain equality by increasing the number of openly LGBTQ elected officials at all levels of government. Culver City Democratic Club is a member organization and an influential force for Democratic principles that has been a vital force in electing candidates to local office.

Puza’s campaign is also fueled by its well-attended events, including its monthly “First Fridays at Five” bike rides, which has the candidate leading a group of riders through Culver City, discussing the issues while they take in the sights. The next “First Fridays at Five” is scheduled for this Friday, August 5th, at 5 p.m., and all are welcome to join Freddy at Syd Kronenthal Park for a short tour featuring Hayden Tract architecture, and a pitstop at Janga by Derrick’s Jamaican restaurant.

Freddy Puza is also hosting “An Evening of Wine & Cheese Tasting” fundraiser this Saturday, Aug. 6th, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. RSVP here:

In addition to the new en dorsements, the campaign has attracted support from HONOR PAC Political Affairs Committee, and Equality California, two groups that advocate for LGBTQ+ candidates. If elected, Puza would be the first openly LGBTQ+ Culver City Council Member, a historic milestone that would further the city’s reputation for inclusive leadership.

The campaign has also received numerous endorsements from local leaders, including City of Los Angeles Council Member Mike Bonin, Culver City Mayor Dr. Daniel Lee, and Council Members Yasmine- Imani McMorrin and Alex Fisch, CCUSD Board Trustees Dr. Kelly Kent and Paula Amezola, West Hollywood Mayor Pro Tempore Sepi Shyne, West Hollywood Councilmember John Erickson, former Culver City Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells, former Mayor Gary Silbiger, and former CCUSD Board Trustee Barbara Honig. To see the full list of endorsements, visit

Freddy Puza currently serves on Culver City’s General Plan Advisory Committee, and formerly served on the city’s Committee on Homelessness. He has participated in numerous local civic groups, including the Fox Hills Neighborhood Association, Protect Culver City Renters, Culver

City Democratic Club, Culver City Action Network, Culver City Historical Society, and Leadership Culver City. Puza is part of a small team organizing the Culver City Pride Ride & Rally which will take place on June 26, 2022, and co-organized Culver City’s first Pride Rideand Rally last year.

“I think the top question people have is, why am I running again?” Freddy Puza told a gathering of supporters. “There is no doubt about it, I’m standing on the shoulders of the progressive leadership that has come before me, and I promise to continue in that direction. I know my platform, rooted in diversity, equity, and inclusion, still strongly resonates with the people of Culver City.”

To learn more or support Freddy’s campaign, please visit