Yasmine Imani-McMorrin receives sole Culver City endorsement from Heart of LA Democratic Club

McMorrin has also received early endorsements from Vice Mayor Alex Fisch, as well as councilmembers Meghan Sahli-Wells and Daniel Lee

Culver City council candidate Yasmine Imani-McMorrin, left, poses with two of her most prominent endorsements so far: current Vice Mayor Alex Fisch, right, and Culver City Unified School District Board Member Kelly Kent (Courtesy)

Yasmine-Imani McMorrin was thrilled when she heard the Heart of LA Democratic Club (HLADems) had voted to officially endorse her campaign for Culver City Council. She was even more honored to learn it was the club’s only endorsement in the City Council election, which takes place Nov. 3.

“The Heart of LA Democratic Club is pleased to endorse Yasmine-Imani McMorrin,” HLADems’ president, Lindsay Carlson, said in a statement. “Our membership was impressed with Ms. McMorrin’s detailed and thoughtful responses to our questions concerning feminism, her ideas to increase employment and earnings for low-income women and families in Culver City, and her focus on equity, safety, and health. We believe that representation matters, and it is not lost on us that, if she is elected, Ms. McMorrin would be the first Black woman on the Council, and the sixth woman ever, in the City’s 103-year history.”

“The Heart of L.A. Democratic Club’s mission of equality and inclusion is at the heart of my campaign for Culver City Council,” stated McMorrin. “I am honored to receive their endorsement, and look forward to working alongside an organization that fights tirelessly to advocate for women in politics, supporting candidates whose voices have been underrepresented in civic decision-making.”

HLADems is the only Los Angeles County democratic club whose primary purpose is to actively promote the full and equal representation of women in local, state and national politics.

“It is especially meaningful to receive an endorsement from an organization that specifically supports women,” added McMorrin. “I know first-hand the importance of having women in leadership positions, and the challenges we can face getting there. Women such as my godmother, New Jersey State Representative Sandra Cunningham, Holly Mitchell here in California, and former Culver City Unified School District President Kelly Kent have all inspired me to get into politics and represent my community at the table.”

McMorrin’s campaign has attracted enthusiastic support from Culver City voters, and received early endorsements from Culver City Vice Mayor Alex Fisch, Council Members Daniel Lee and Meghan Sahli-Wells, Culver City School Board President Summer McBride, and School Board Member Dr. Kelly Kent.

“She has already added incredible value to the community,” Council Member Sahli-Wells said of McMorrin. “I am deeply impressed with her policy insights, her work ethic, and her vision for Culver City…leadership that is representative, responsive, and responsible.” 

“I wholeheartedly endorse Yasmine-Imani McMorrin,” declared Council Member Alex Fisch. “She’s got the guts, she’s got the brains, she’s got the heart, and most importantly in today’s environment, she’s got the backbone.”.

McMorrin will be presenting another virtual Town Hall on the critical issue of housing on

Sunday, Aug. 30 at 4 p.m. She will also be participating in a virtual candidate forum in which all questions will be asked by Culver City students on Saturday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m., organized by KidScoop Media, Culver City Catalyst, and Culver City Unified School District. 

‘Connect with Yasmine,’ a recurring interview series McMorrin hosts with leaders and experts discussing a range of issues, continues on Saturday, Sept. 5, tentatively scheduled for an episode on the subject of “Arts & the Creative Economy.”

The campaign’s Town Halls and Connect with Yasmine segments are available live on its Facebook page and YouTube channel, and can be viewed afterwards on its website, at mcmorrinforculvercity.com.

McMorrin is also offering virtual “Office Hours” for voters to speak directly with her online, available to anyone who signs-up for one of the 15-minute slots through the campaign’s website. The next Office Hours will be on Thursday, September 3rd and 24th, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm.

For more information on McMorrin’s campaign visit mcmorrinforculvercity.com.