Council throws support behind Measure W



By Jonathan Smith

The Culver City Council voted Tuesday to voice support for the Safe, Clean Water Program (Measure W), a proposed 2.5-cent parcel tax to fund projects to increase stormwater capture.  The measure will appear on the Nov. 6 ballot.

The goal of the measure is to “prepare for future droughts, reduced stormwater runoff pollution to protect public health, marine life and county waterways,” the resolution reads.

Councilman Göran Eriksson voiced hesitation in support for the county tax, especially because Culver City residents are already being asked to vote on a city tax initiative and a school district measure in November. Eriksson abstained from voting.

Councilwoman Mehgan Sahli-Wells said it was imperative to lend support because the investment would ensure clean water in the future.

If approved, the county measure would allow the county to levy a tax of 2.5 cents per square foot of “impermeable space” on private property. Government buildings, public schools, and nonprofit organizations would be exempt.

Revenue from the tax would be used for construction, operation, and maintenance of projects that collect, clean and conserve stormwater.

The average tax for a single-family house would be $83, according to county documents.