Results of City’s sales tax poll



In November 2012, Culver City voters approved Measure Y – a one-half

percent transaction and use tax adopted to maintain City of Culver City

critical services. With limited exceptions, the transactions and use tax

is imposed on the same goods and merchandise as the local sales and use tax. The 10-year measure gained overwhelming voter approval and went into effect in April 2013.

This measure provides necessary resources to address the City’s structural deficit issues and continue services at existing levels.

Measure Y —

— contains a sunset provision, which will result in the expiration of the

measure on March 31, 2023, if not reauthorized by voters.

In April 2018, the City of Culver City hired the consulting firm

Fairbank, Maslin, Maulin, Mertz & Associates to poll residents on whether they would support removing the sunset on the half-cent sales tax.

Because of increasing fiscal pressures as outlined by the City Managers Budget Message in the Proposed Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget, the City also polled whether voters would support raising the sales tax by a quarter of a percent.

Sales tax revenues would include funding for the following:

Culver Citys 911 emergency response services by retaining firefighters;

fully staffing neighborhood fire stations; providing police officers and

paramedics; performing graffiti removal; fixing potholes/streets; and

maintaining storm drains, parks, community centers, after-school programs,  and senior services, in addition to providing other general City services.

Access the following link to view Culver Citys recent sales tax polling results.