Westside Repair Café will have repair service on its mind

The Westside Repair Café team has joined forces with Culver-Palms United Methodist Church to help run the next Earth Month edition of Repair Café! From 1 to 5 p.m., Saturday, April 28 at the Culver-Palms United Methodist Church, 4464 Sepulveda Blvd. Culver City.



The Westside Repair Café team has joined forces with Culver-Palms United Methodist Church to help run the next Earth Month edition of Repair Café! From 1 to 5 p.m., Saturday, April 28 at the Culver-Palms United Methodist Church, 4464 Sepulveda Blvd. Culver City.

A repair café is a gathering where volunteers repair household electrical and mechanical devices, computers, bicycles, clothing, etc. Repair cafes are organized by and for local residents.

A spokesperson for the repair café, said: “You can bring the following to the Repair Café: electrical appliances, clothing, furniture, crockery, housewares, bicycles, toys etc. Anything that’s broken (and which you can manage to carry on your own to the Repair Café) is welcome and has a good chance of getting properly repaired. If you wish to know for sure whether someone will be available to help mend your broken item, please get in touch with the organizers: ourtimebank@gmail.com.”

Free table of goods will be available for items donated and adopted, a clothing exchange and guests are encouraged to bring “something to share at our Snack Luck table.”

Those interested in volunteering at this event, do not need to be an expert fixer, organizers said. Apprentices and those with an aptitude to learn are welcome to volunteer. If a person can help with repairs, demonstrations, general staff support, etc. “please consider” signing up on our Doodle poll: 


To help us do the repairs as fast as possible, send an email

( ourtimebank@gmail.com) a week or two in advance describing the items you need to be repaired and their condition. Include brand and model numbers where appropriate. “Our repairers will research your items ahead of time to help ensure we are able to make proper repairs quickly.”

Transportation/parking  Plenty of parking in the back lot, and bicycle parking in the courtyard. Take the Culver City bus #6 right to the event!