COPE and coffee for Chardiet candidacy


            The Committee on Political Education (COPE) from the American Federation of Labor recently endorsed Laura Chardiet for Culver City Unified School District School Board.

            Candidates must go through a thorough process before receiving the labor endorsement and must receive support from a local union, respond to a questionnaire and undergo a panel interview.

            Chardiet said she is proud to have their support.

            On Sunday, Oct. 2, Jim Harris and Nomi Roth hosted a coffee for Chardiet on at The Studio Village Clubhouse, 5215 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City.

            Also on Sunday, Marla Wolkowitz and Madeline Ehrlich hosted a dessert and coffee for Chardiet from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Wolkowitz’s home, 10811 Ocean Drive, Culver City.