Sipping for Culver City


            The Culver City Education Foundation’s third annual “Sip for Our Schools” tasting event was held to support Culver City schools on Oct. 15, and hosted by Zoltan Pali and Judith Fekete of SPF: a Gallery.

            Guests enjoyed the photographs on the walls, delicious wines, beers and food and the sounds of the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts Jazz Combo. Sorrento’s Italian Market donated an assortment of wine and City Tavern provided craft beers, soon-to-open restaurant Batch brought savory appetizers and Golden Desserts delivered delicious sweets.

            (Pictured from left to right: Nancy Kuechle, Patti Nachbar, City Manager John Nachbar, Judy Blake, John Kuechle and Culver City Unified School District President Scott Zeidman.)

            Submitted Photo