Scorpio’s triumphant outcome


In one week, the Sun leaves Scorpio, enters Sagittarius and Mercury retrogrades (on Thanksgiving). We prepare for these events this week. Here is more understanding of Scorpio before it’s gone.

Scorpio, the sign, deeply influences and transforms all lives on Earth. Scorpio’s keynotes (influences) – test, trial, struggle, strength and triumph – describe the progressive evolutionary development for all of humanity. The great hope when one is working within Scorpio’s depths is that Scorpio’s experience always ends in triumph as it releases itself (the life energy) into Sagittarius (furthering the discipleship experience and journey). The disciple, toiling within the darkness and depths of Scorpio’s tests, rises like the phoenix into Sag, moving quickly upon the way (plains), eyes upon the mountaintop of initiation (Capricorn), shining like a promise in the distance. Once the Scorpio battle is won, there is no stopping the ardent aspiring seeker of the light.

But while we are laboring within the Scorpio depths, it is easy to lose sight of the eventual triumph and the entering of the plains of Sagittarius. We are asked to cultivate strength, aspiration and vision within the very midst of the battle. We act as if we were already released within the flow or stream of Sagittarius while still in the midst of the Scorpio battle. We are then released into greater effectiveness, here and now. We become triumphant.

Mars entered Virgo this week, remaining there for the following eight months – until July, 2012. Mars retrogrades in January, 2012 until April – more later. In the meantime, we’re investigating biologic architecture for the building of the new culture and civilization, for the new community and schools to be built for the Aquarian era. Disciples are triumphant builders. (Read more at Risa’s website, nightnews.comFacebook page.) and Risa’s Esoteric Astrology

ARIES: A sense of regeneration is transforming your intimate relationships, also the shared finances and resources. You could experience intense feelings of love or passion or anger or resentment. It’s best to be aware of these so that you can choose which is best for your life. Investigate the merging of your resources with another. Be sure that trust is your foundation.

TAURUS: The original foundations of your relationship come forth like a surprising and fragrant winter bloom. Patterns that have become embedded in the relationship are slowly disintegrating, calling forth new levels of relating and of love. This includes intimates, family, friends and partnerships. A new level of vulnerability has emerged for you. This is good. We can now stand next to you equally.

GEMINI: What changes are occurring in your daily life, work interactions and health? What new areas have you considered serving? What events and disciplines align with your values? What habits do you wish to eliminate? What new habits do you want to include? Is something draining your vital energy? Whatever it is, it signifies its time with you has come to a close. Oh, dear, that’s a difficult choice to make.

CANCER: You’ve been so serious these past weeks, months and years. A little lightness and ease is needed in your life. It’s good to assess what joy means, when you last experienced joy and how you could bring it forth now. Sometimes, joy leaves us when a significant person dies. We feel we can no longer feel joy, only endless sorrow. However, joy is an outgrowth of the soul. Write, paint, garden, dance and sing. These bring joy.

LEO: It is most important to consider what nourishes you. Family patterns nourish until they’re not longer useful for growth. Then you must create new life patterns that sustain and vitalize. It’s important to cultivate financial stability, not allowing yourself purchases without careful assessment. Create a foundation that is strong and solid for the times to come. You will care for the kingdoms.

VIRGO: The power of the stars is focused within your mental (thinking, learning) realm. Any anxieties or worries can be eliminated through the reciting of mantrams and through praising all that’s in your life. Praise actually changes our lives, helps us connect with all others, provides us with a level of truth about reality hidden to most. Something about your home is occurring. What is it?

LIBRA: Something new in your life is allowing you to feel ardent. Something else in your life is bringing you out of the shadows. A new level of assessment is allowing you to shift your values. One thing is still missing though. It’s forgiveness with another that keeps you seeking and never finding. What needs forgiving? Your self-worth soars when this forgiveness is given. So much of your life’s vitality depends on it. Many yearn for you.

SCORPIO: The sun’s been in your sign for weeks now and your new year begins with your birthday and your self-identity shifts each year to newer and greater expansiveness. Each year, things that hurt, that disappointed, that left you in a state of confusion are released. Each year, a change appears that brings forth new trust, invigorating you to investigate deeper mysteries of life. We look to you for valuable and illuminating information from your discoveries.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s hopeful that you’ve seriously considered a time of retreat and contemplation. You haven’t much more time for this opportunity, as the Sun will soon illuminate your sign (enter Sag) and you’ll be in the spotlight. No more doors to hide behind. It’s also important to be aware of dreams, both waking and sleeping dreams. They provide ease from the past and a picture of the future. Next month – change again.

CAPRICORN: It’s good to list, in a private journal (or drawn on a wall), over and over, your hopes, wishes and dreams for the future. Stating them, pondering and brooding over them clarify for you their value and bring them into the first level of manifestation. Then, they anchor on Earth. Who shares these goals with you? Is there a group that would benefit from your goals? You have the ability to transform everyone with your ideas, knowledge and words. Activate this.

AQUARIUS: If your actions, friends, work, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations align with your deepest passions, everything comes forth successfully. Remember at all times your responsibilities to those who depend upon you. Remember always to share what you have. What you provide others returns to you tenfold. You’re on a mission. Whether its travel, publishing, or caring for the animal kingdom, what you do makes a difference.

PISCES: You continue to wonder about your world, your future and the tasks you are to perform. Both your curiosity and faith are tested so that you can get to the root of your beliefs. You find yourself in different realities, different worlds, often your destination unknown. This applies to outer and inner realities. Only your intuition is intact. Rely on it.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom school



Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology & Risa D’Angeles