Who’s blessed with the best mess?


A mission is under way to find the messiest garage in the county. Between now and Aug. 7, CBS radio stations KNX 1070 and KFWB 980 are inviting radio listeners to submit photos of their messy garages for a chance to win both a garage transformation and a storage container.

On Aug. 8 the radio stations will post photos of the finalists competing for the title of messiest garage and ask listeners to go online and vote for their top pick. Voting ends Aug. 22.

Founded in 1998, PODS® provides moving and storage services to the United States, Canada, Australia and the U.K. The winner will receive a $6,000 garage makeover provided by PODS Los Angeles and Garage Envy. PODS will donate six months of free storage while the makeover is taking place.

            A panel of judges made of up representatives from PODS, Garage Envy and CBS Los Angeles will choose the ultimate winner.

For more information or to nominate a messy garage, go to losangeles.cbslocal.com/category/contests-promotions/.