Derby girls train for pain with Shiv

Scarlet lady Shiv (right) is co-captain of the Hollywood Scarlets and head of training. She is shown here in action alongside Duchess Von Damn (left) against Bay City. Photo by Lori Fusaro

The Angel City Derby Girls are preparing for their next match this Saturday against the Santa Cruz Boardwalk Bombshells. As part of the preparation, the team spends a great deal of time developing strategy and undergoing an arduous training regimen. That physical conditioning is spearheaded by Shiv – a strawberry blond Nebraska transplant respected league-wide.

Shiv is a co-captain of the Hollywood Scarlets squad and plays the pivot position, which means that she is the lead blocker and in charge of making calls during the jam. She is renowned for leading a notoriously difficult weekly endurance practice in which she pushes her skaters to give 100%, just as she herself has done since starting roller derby in Lincoln, Neb. five years ago.

“Roller derby brought out the confidence, strength and ambition I had within me all along,” Shiv said. “Playing roller derby was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I am in awe of the women and men that I am surrounded by in derby. I feel truly inspired and honored to call them my friends.”

            Shiv is legendary among the new skaters, a squad referred to as Fresh Meat. Her name is synonymous with intense endurance drills. “I’m so excited to be a part of this league and can’t wait to be able to participate in endurance nights,” said Fresh Meat skater Maureen Romero. “I know Shiv will push me to my limits. She will definitely make me a better skater.”

Aside from derby, Shiv loves to spend time with her family, husband Patrick and daughter, Adeline. “They have been a continuous source of support and love over the years,” she said.

            “Shiv has a swag about her that I have not seen in a lot of derby girls,” said teammate Ima Blowbya. “She is so funny and she inspires [the derby girls] to the fullest. Don’t let her fool you though, when it’s time to get business done on the track she will get serious in an instant.”

Shiv’s flair and authority on the track has been known to intimidate opposing teams. Skilled players often get nervous and trip themselves up and have on occasion ended up in the penalty box.

Catch Shiv and the rest of the Angel City Derby Girls Saturday, Aug. 13 when they take on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk Bombshells at Veterans Auditorium, 4117 Overland Ave., Culver City. For more information, go to