“All For 1” raises 80k


            The Culver City Education Foundation raised $80,000 for Culver City Unified School District’s students in its first “All For 1” campaign, far exceeding any previous amount raised in a similar time span. The organization aimed at an ambitious $1 million.

            In previous years, CCEF raised the majority of its funds through private and public grants and larger individual gifts. Through these resources, the foundation has been able to award more than $200,000 in grants to benefit students each year. Because of the campaign, the foundation will be able to make an additional grant to Culver City Unified School District.

            The money will go toward providing vital resources to students, such as classroom technology updates, music and art programs, math and science enhancement programs, college prep support and programs to support struggling students.

            The campaign not only raised money, but raised awareness of the foundation. Beginning with Fiesta La Ballona in August, the foundation’s trustees and friends reached out to families of Culver City students at each school’s Fall Registration and Back to School Night. A video starring the students asking parents and community members to give $1 a day played at the events.  It is available on the group’s website and school websites. The video can also be seen at vimeo.com/28214437.

            The foundation plans to continue to grow the All For 1 campaign in the future. To contribute to the Culver City Education Foundation before the end of the year with a tax-deductible gift, go to CCEF90230.org.