Culver City Chamber supports Measure CC


Expressing its continued support of Culver City schools, the board of directors of the Culver City Chamber of Commerce has voted to endorse Measure CC – the $106 million bond issue on the June 3 ballot whose proceeds will go to fund major renovations and technology upgrades at each of Culver City Unified School District’s school sites.

“As the leading advocate for business in Culver City, the Chamber recognizes that an educated workforce is one of the leading economic development tools local government can create,” Chamber President and CEO Steven J. Rose said. “Our 21st century economy is being built on technology that drives a vibrant economy.”

Rose said the Chamber is eager to support Measure CC because it means that CCUSD facilities will be upgraded to a level befitting the quality of education being delivered on campus. The school district’s ability to create a high-quality educational environment for its students will only help students succeed in the classroom and beyond, he said.

“Our students, our future customers and employees will need a strong foundation in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM),” Rose said. “Investing in buildings with 21st century technology will help ensure that the standards of our new economy will be met.”

The Culver City Chamber Board encourages all Culver City voters to support and vote yes on Measure CC on June 3. For more information about Measure CC, please visit: