Letters to the Editor


Two weeks ago, I wrote to the editor of the Culver City News in support of opening the Veteran’s Memorial Building Tower to the public. I stated at that time that the tower should be open to the public as part of Culver City’s cenA should open the tower now.

Since I wrote that letter, I have new and exciting information to share with the readers of the Culver City News! I contacted the Elevator Unit of Cal/OSHA for the Monrovia District and discovered that the elevator in the tower was inspected on Jan. 28, 2013 and was found to be safe (conveyance (inspection) number 27508)!

If the elevator is safe, why then is a public facility, paid for with public funds intended for use by the public, padlocked?

Please contact the members of the City Council at www.culvercity.org and demand that the Veterans Memorial Building Tower be opened to the public!

Darryl Cherness



Dear Editor,

I am truly amazed at our city council’s vote to award a three-year contract to have Redflex, a company with a scandalous bribery reputation, install insidious red light cameras in Culver City.

The council members just lapped up unsupported statistics that red light cameras prevent accidents.  Alan Corlin challenged me to come up with supporting data that red light cameras cause more accidents than they prevent in Culver City.  I’m not going to give data on Culver City specifically because there are so many conflicting factors on reporting of data that can be skewed in many different ways.  All I can say that if you google statistics there are plenty of reports from many cities that have shown that the red light cameras are ineffective.

My big issue right now is why is the city dealing with such a scandal-ridden company as Redflux that is under investigation in other cities in thirteen states including California.

Fired red light camera exec says bribery widespread at…

A fired executive of Chicago’s beleaguered red light camera company alleges in a lawsuit that Redflex Traffic Systems doled out bribes and gifts at “dozens of munic…

View on: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-01-23/news/ct-redflex-red-light-bribery-20140123_1_redflex-holdings-ltd-company-policy-camera-company

There are better ways to stop red light runners than red light cameras.

Lights can be set to only change when there is no car in the intersection or to make yellow lights longer. Paying a $496 redlight ticket is only affordable for council members and the rich. It is an unfair confiscatory tax that hurts the poor and way out of proportion where the punishment fits the crime.

Shame on the city council that purports to have the interest of the people and safety of the people at heart.


Robert Zirgulis