Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 12-18, 2012


ARIES: Be careful that you don’t become exhausted from ceaseless work. It’s best if you have your own schedule, your own business, can be independent, working at your own pace and not be frustrated or upset by those much slower than you at thinking and working. They are not Aries. Everything you do has your own signature and enthusiasm. Gain the respect of others working with you. Be generous, kind and compassionate. Soul virtues.

TAURUS: Usually you’re placid and quiet, love good food and seek comfort and pleasure. However you love risk-taking and speculation, which seems like play to others but, to you, is very serious. Often (silently) you’re competitive and you respect the fiercely independent, sports enthusiasts and good talkers. Somehow you always get what you want and everyone admires you. People wonder often about you. You never tell.

GEMINI: Sometimes you feel real anger at your family and your early years. Sometimes you’re protective of them. Sometimes you feel there are realities you can’t quite remember from childhood. However, you sense present behaviors you don’t understand, have roots in childhood. Your instincts tell you something must be done. Yes, it must. First all of your life experiences must be embraced. Wounds heal when we have compassion for the self. Our family choices were made before birth.

CANCER: You’re learning how to speak truthfully. Sometimes what you say hurts others. You’re also learning discrimination – how to communicate with both truth and kindness. This takes many lives for everyone. You want to be direct and clear. But sometimes your communication is tinged with judgment and/or provocation. You can be informative and you can be disruptive. Again, discernment is needed. We are all learning this together.

LEO: Always you ask what is practical, how is something made, what are the steps and methods of creating it yourself. You love things practical. But they must also be beautiful, make money, have value, be challenging and keep you independent. This sounds like the type of relationships you seek. This year you’ve been slow and steady in all endeavors. Soon the pace will pick up. Careful to spend money only on things of value. Nothing from the past.

VIRGO: You react immediately and with force to new situations and events, like a firecracker ready to explode. It’s good to take Aconite (homeopath) if your nerves seem stressed and uncontrollable. This is the activity of Mars, a fiery force like lightning. You begin things and then can’t complete them. This will pass soon. Don’t stir up any discontent or trouble anywhere. It returns with a powerful lightning-like force.

LIBRA: Often since January, you have felt stifled, a bit defeated, convinced that efforts won’t be seen, heard or understood. You have wanted to cease certain ways of living, acting or being but this too felt futile. You have not felt your usual sense of self-confidence. Often these days you’re overtired. You work well on your own, your values and principles are strong, yet one aspect of your life feels incomplete, not quite right. What is it?

SCORPIO: Certain people in your life actually help you achieve your many goals, hopes, wishes and dreams. Most of these people are acquaintances, few are close friends. This is how you like it. You choose only a few trustworthy people to support your ambitions and aims in life. You have the warrior sensibility. Whatever your goals, you achieve them. Often undercover and in the dark of the night. For protection. We can learn from you.

SAGITTARIUS: You’re one of the signs that seeks freedom above all, so you can do independent, original work. You have been given courage from the stars to pursue your own choices and decisions that lead to that independence. Your ambition carries you to the heights and to the depths and sometimes to the “razor’s edge.” When you add charm, care of others, a bit of music and good food to the mix, you are without limit.

CAPRICORN: You love different ideas, a bit of debate, constant learning and a challenge. You don’t like self-righteousness in others, especially about you because you know they don’t understand your character. You’re playful yet serious, energetic within limits. You like to laugh, have a quirky sense of humor; you like your partner (for life) and are seeking new endeavors and a new path in life. It’s on a hill, in a garden with mulberry trees. Chickens underneath. Remember your greenhouse.

AQUARIUS: When you know what you want you pursue it with steadfast focus and usually it finally appears (exhausted at the intensity). Sometimes you feel no one loves you, or there’s no relationship ahead. You are uncomfortable with anything or anyone that projects glamours or illusion. You uncover things untrue and unkind. You live in the future, in a place not yet realized by most of humanity. You can be lonely. There are others, magical, like you. Call them.

PISCES: Cooperation, kindness and forethought are the qualities needed by you in relating to those close to you. Often it’s best to work one-on-one. Compromise isn’t easy unless you’re studying with and respect another. You are learning always how to lead and be a leader. A fine and difficult task. Let others think they are your heroes or heroines. This is the way diplomats work at their best. Diplomacy, compromise, negations are art forms. You are an artist.


Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Tibetan’s

teachings in the Alice A. Bailey blue books


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