‘The Gingerbread Lady’ us a sweet treat


Kentwood Players is presenting THE GINGERBREAD LADY, a dramedy by Neil Simon, opening Friday, July 14 through Saturday, August 19, 2017 on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 2:00pm at the Westchester Playhouse, located at 8301 Hindry Av The production is directed by Drew Fitzsimmons and produced by Jenny Boone and Lynn Gutstadt for Kentwood Players with rights secured from Samuel French.  Genous Novin.

Maureen Stapleton won Broadway’s Tony Award as Best Actress for the role of Evy Meara, a popular cabaret singer who has hit the skids in Neil Simon’s “The Gingerbread Lady.” The play is set in New York City in 1972 after Evy’s short stay in rehab. Upon her return home, her best friend, the age-defying Toby, Evy’s daughter Polly, and Jimmy Perry, a gay actor, all try to help her adjust to sobriety with a jolly birthday party. Enter Lou Tanner, a former lover, who ends up giving her a black eye. The party is a wash out, the “gingerbread lady” falls off the wagon and hits the ropes once again. With Neil Simon’s characteristic wit and humor, his serious story of lost misfits is genuinely and deeply touching. The play was later rewritten by Neil Simon as the film Only When I Laugh starring Marsha Mason.

ickets are $20 with a $2 discount for seniors and students. To purchase tickets, please call (310) 645-5156 during box office hours, Wednesday through Saturday from 4:00-7:00pm. You may also purchase tickets online at www.kentwoodplayers.org.  For group ticket sales of 10 or more, please call the box office for group rates.

For more information about Kentwood Players including our current production and upcoming auditions, please visit the Kentwood Players website at www.kentwoodplayers.org. You can also find Kentwood Players information on Facebook and Twitter.

Neil Simon’s “The Gingerbread Lady” opens July 14 at the Westchester Playhouse.

To meet “The Gingerbread Lady” production team and learn more about Kentwood Players and what goes on at the Westchester Playhouse, the public is invited to attend our membership meetings, which are free and held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm at the Westchester Playhouse, located two blocks west of the San Diego Freeway and two blocks north of Manchester at 8301 Hindry Avenue in Westchester, CA 90045.