“Insights Into Cancer” series kicks off July 15 in Westwood


Based on David Kessler and Louise Hay’s new work, “You Can Heal Your Heart,” as well as Kessler’s well-loved “Bogey Man in the Closet” workshop, Kessler tackles important issues after a cancer diagnosis that arises for many patients and caregivers.

Topics will include grieving the cancer free life and finding a new stronger richer life after cancer. David also discusses reducing fears of recurrence as well as understanding that talking about fear of death does not mean giving up, it means living life fully despite cancer.

Kessler, MA is one of the most well-known experts and lecturers on grief and loss today. His first book received praise by Mother Teresa. David also co- authored two books with the legendary Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, “On Grief and Grieving and Life Lessons.” His new book, “You Can Heal Your Heart” is with beloved author, Louise Hay. He now serves as a board member on the Farrah Fawcett Foundation and is a frequent guest on the Dr. Oz show and a contributing writer on Oprah.com. David has a master’s degree in Health Care Bioethics from LMU and is the founder of Grief.com, which is visited for help and inspiration by hundreds of thousands of peo- ple in more than 167 countries.

Parking is $12 and attendees can park in the medical plaza or there is valet parking at the front of RRMC. No reservations are required. For information, per- sons interested can call (310) 794-6644 or email: pmthimunye@mednet.ucla.edu.

Ronald Reagan Medical Center Auditorium, B Level, Room B130 is located at 757 Westwood Plaza, in Los Angeles. Free and Open to the Public