Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Smoking Ban

This whole “ban smoking in multi-family housing” is ridiculous. First, it is not up to the City to regulate personal habits that are legal. If a property owner says, “I am going to allow smoking in my building” – disclosure, in writing, to new tenants is all there needs to be for them to make an informed decision. For condominium homeowners, they already have a governing body called the HOA, to determine when and where someone can smoke in the condos and complex. And, when you are purchasing a condo, you are given the CC&RS to read prior to purchasing. They would have these rules.

Nor, is it up to the City Council to make a legal habit illegal. As we all know, the war on drugs is a failure; and this venture will be not only a failure, but can become a lawsuit regarding constitutional rights and discrimination.

As a former smoker I know that quitting smoking is difficult and stressful. Some people simply cannot and do not want to quit smoking. That is their right. Smoking itself is not illegal. It is unhealthy but not illegal.

It is the right of property owners to determine if they want their properties, whether single family residences or multi-family residences to be smoking or nonsmoking facilities and it is up to them to enforce the same through Leases and Tenant Rules.

I am also concerned about the definition of smoking. Many people have medical marijuana prescriptions for medical reasons. Are they not allowed to take their “prescription” at home because the government is trying to regulate their lives? Is that not a violation of the law to keep someone from taking their doctor prescribed medication because they don’t like it?

In reading about the social-economic status of smokers versus non-smokers (http://www.tobaccofreekids. org/research/factsheets/ pdf/0260.pdf) It seems to me that this is a form of discrimination against the poorest of our citizens. The report says:

• In the past, the highest income Americans smoked at levels even greater than the poorest; now they smoke at barely half the rate of those with the lowest income.

• 27.9 percent of adults who are below the poverty level smoke compared to 17 percent of adults who are at or above the poverty level.

• Among adults under age 65, 30 percent of Medicaid enrollees and 30 percent of uninsured individuals smoke, compared to 15 percent with private insurance coverage.

• 24.7 percent of adults who do not graduate from high school smoke, compared to just 9.1 percent of those with a college education and 5.9 percent of those with a graduate degree.

• Smoking among non-college bound high school seniors more than twice that of college bound high school seniors (28.9 percent vs. 13 percent, respectively).

Before the Council decides to enact this law, I would suggest to them that they consider the ramifications, from bringing “ big brother” into people’s homes, to discrimination against the poor in our community. Please consider the broader ramifications before enacting a law that will surely get the city sued.

Laura Stuart


Coach, Activist, Parent, Rick Hudson passes away

Rick Hudson was a good friend and stalwart of the Culver City community. He died after a massive coronary this past Saturday.

His sudden passing was as unexpected and devastating as one of the blocks taught by Rick to his freshman linemen at Culver High.

Working with Rick — whether on the Exchange Club’s Fourth of July Fireworks or annual Car Show — was a pleasure. He was always the first guy to lean his back into any task, no matter how daunting.

When it came to the Culver City community and its kids, Rick knew no limit. Coach, Parks Commissioner — Rick was always there. In spite of his seemingly limitless passion for Culver City’s youth, praise for his own children was always the first word on his lips.

Without prompting, Rick would gush, endlessly proud of his own kids’ accomplishments whether on the field of play or in the classroom.

As a dedicated dad, Rick was without parallel.

Together with his wife Terri, they were a force of nature. As business partners in Culver Glass and perennial community activists, no task was outside their wheelhouse.

What distinguished Rick above all others was his outward optimism. It was rare to see him without his trademark wry smile. Rick could find the humor and a silver lining in almost any situation, no matter how grim. More often than not, Rick was the main target of his own droll wit.

Rick was a guy’s guy. Fluff and polish was not the way Rick rolled. He was a straight-shooter. Despite being a Parks Commissioner, Rick had little time for bureaucratic nonsense. He was a man who took greater stock in actions than in empty promises. Rick was the guy who was unafraid to step up to the plate when his team was down in the late innings of a game. Two outs, two strikes: no problem. He would take his chances.

As was fitting to man of his stature and style, when it came time to go, Rick went out still wearing his boots and spurs. Even now, I can imagine him needling the gatekeeper, a beer in one hand and bat in the other, itching to find a heavenly game to play or kids to coach.

It was this type of attitude that made Rick such a stellar role model for the kids of our community. To keep his memory alive, and to remind our youth of what it means to be a man, Culver City or its School District should dedicate a ball field or park in Rick’s honor.

At the Exchange Club Beer Garden during the upcoming Festival La Ballona, I know that I will be there with my fellow members of the Exchange Club raising a glass to our great friend Rick Hudson. Join us.

Cheers, Brother! You will be missed.

John Cohn


Why I am Boycotting the 2014 Los Angeles Federation of Labor’s Labor Day Picnic and Rally

Today I have made an irrevocable decision. It’s with deep regret that I must declare my intention to boycott this year’s Labor Day Picnic and Rally in Wilmington, California. The reason for this drastic action is two fold. The first reason is: due to the negative and vile campaign mailers regarding Dr. George McKenna (LAUSD School Board District No. 1 race) sent out by LA 2nd District Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. Second reason for this action is that the Los Angeles Federation of Labor contributed monies to the printing and mailing of this filth.

I cannot and will not attend any rally or share the stage with Los Angeles County Federation of Labor Executive Secretary Maria Elena Durazo solong as she holds this office. My Labor Day Address will be available on my Facebook page as well as to my associates and friends via an email blast. I urge the rank and file to begin preparations to remove Maria Elena from office. Anyone who sanctions slander and filth isn’t fit to hold any office of a significant magnitude as is this office.

Pedro Baez
