Culver City turns green


Energy Star is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping communities save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.

Four years ago Culver City’s Information Technology Department began a power saving initiative that focused on reducing power consumption by replacing the cities CRT monitors with Energy Star rated flat panels.

Information technology is a critical component of all organizations and is imperative for sustaining growth and productivity. Culver City faces constant demand from its residents and local businesses to supply additional services while improving existing amenities such as greater access to information and faster response time.

The Culver City Information Technology Department has responded to environmental challenges by developing a Green Information Technology Initiative. This matrix of actions provides a clear comprehensive list of actions that can be measured and monitored on an ongoing basis.

Information Technology “greening” covers a range of issues that can be divided into three broad categories:

  • E-Waste – Most, if not all IT related hardware is in time replaced, and disposed. Many of the component parts of IT related hardware is composed of hazardous materials and the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that e-waste accounts for 2 percent of the solid waste stream in the United States.
  • Power Consumption and Air Conditioning – Computing devices are powered by electricity. Desktop computers, peripherals, Data Center servers, storage devices, Uninterruptable Power Supplies, and other hardware that consume power also generate heat which leads to additional power consumption for air conditioning. Current estimates are that 30 percent of the power used is converted into heat.
  • The EPA Report to Congress – This report, estimated that in 2006 Data Centers consumed about 61 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) (1.5 percent of total U.S. electricity consumption) for a total electricity cost of about $4.5 billion. The Report also indicates that power consumption of Data Centers is expected to double in the next five years. Preliminary estimates done by IT working with SoCal Edison indicates that our Data Center uses 18.5 percent of the power used by City Hall.





Continue to Replace CRT monitors with Energy Star Flat Panels


Flat panel monitors are about 30% more efficient than CRT. In addition to this direct savings, since CRTs generate more heat there will be savings in air conditioning. The city began replacement of CRT monitors in 2005. There are approximately 80 CRT monitors yet to be replaced. Al will be replaced by fall 2008.
EPEAT certification for all desk top PCs purchased


EPA supported EPEAT certifies PCs in categorizes bronze, silver and gold. Early in 2007 the department began a policy of purchasing PCs that were certified at a minimum “silver” certification. This policy will remain in effect.
Meter Power Use in Data Center


In order to effectively control power use it must be measured Currently, (as of 12/07) working with Public Works to install metering of power to the Data Center.
Implement Server consolidation(virtualization)


Server consolidation is one of the top strategies suggested by the EPA report. Staff report to City Council 12/07. Implementation will begin in February 2008.
Research raising temperature in Data Center


We may be over aggressive in cooling the Data Center. Raising he temperature will reduce indirect cost and power use for AC Implement optimal temperature in January 2008, after metering is implemented.
Research network power off Desktop PCs


To ensure that all PCs are powered off during off work hours, IT will affect the shut down via our network. Research to be conducted by Technical services staff. Implement spring 2008.
Implement Storage virtualization


Storage virtualization has the potential of saving energy on a scale similar to server virtualization. Implementation consideration will begin soon after we begin server virtualization as part of our overall virtualized environment. Staff report to Council in July 2008.
Research Desktop virtualization


Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) may produce energy savings if this, or similar technologies are implemented. Availability of staff resources will put off this project until fall 2008, at earliest.
Energy use profile of UPS and air conditioning


Energy efficiency can range from 80-95%. We need to ensure that we are using high efficiency UPS and AC. Complete by January 2008.
Include environmental language in contracts and purchasing for hardware


Environmental related Contract and Purchasing language should reflect “in practice” policies. Review with Purchasing and City Attorney. Complete by February 2008.
Produce a semiannual report on status and progress for the City Manger, City Council, and public.


To ensure continual review of and priority of environmental impact of IT. Update web site as action items change. Written review/report in June and January each calendar year.
Review Data Center Structure


There may “construction related” issues that could be addressed that could increase the cooling efficiency of the room. Identify any cost effective action that could be implemented. Complete by June 2008.

For more information on Culver City’s Green Information Technology Initiative visit