Chiron in Pisces


Sun and Mars are in Pisces, sign of great sensitivity, compassion, the savior of humanity, tending to the healing of the sick, unfortunate, forgotten, oppressed and neglected.

On Thursday, Mars, the planet of forceful action and focus, joins Chiron at 1 degree Pisces. Many of us may wander into the world of causes, attempting to find people to save. It’s important that we look no further than our own lives and our own families, and attempt to serve, forgive, touch and heal the wounds within our own domestic situations.

Each of us “holds” within our DNA (emotional, physical, astrological) seven generations of family wounds. Each of us assumes responsibility for healing a facet of the diamond that comprises our family wounds. Our families are not dysfunctional (I suggest never using that word again, it’s dismissive). The reality is we are all learning – learning how to be human, learning how to be in relationship, learning how to be wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, lovers and friends. The list goes on. The basic wound we are all learning through our wounds is the not knowing how.

With Mars in Chiron, when the wounds (everywhere) appear, there may be aggressiveness, impatience, assertiveness, rage and hostility (lower level Mars reactions) as a means of shielding us from feelings of insecurity. The higher level would be to respond from a soul level, where everything is seen as a way to transform, where the words “Love underlies all happenings of the times” is understood.

Chiron (in Pisces) will be with us for the next eight years. Let us realize that to heal our world, we must begin to heal within (to purify and cleanse the dark), heal ourselves and our families first. Chiron is providing this great opportunity. We remember that whenever there is a wounding (appearing), the healing is also present. The healing must be searched for. The search is part of the healing.

ARIES: Let us be frank. You’re different, more motivated, focused and purposeful than other signs (except Capricorn). You can therefore be misunderstood by peers, associates, colleagues and groups. Your capacity for leadership is extraordinary. However, often you cannot work with others, needing to create your own systems. One day you will stumble into the field of subtle energies – the etheric field. Here everyone and everything is connected. Pisces and Gemini live here. You can too.

TAURUS: Although no one would ever guess, you seek to subtly and quietly prove your self-worth. Often, although you stand behind the curtains, there is a great need in the world for the information you possess. Always assisting those close to you, it’s humanity who also needs you; those young aspirants, minds not yet restructured, with the desire to learn. You were once in their place. Remember?

GEMINI: So, what is your primary emotional wound experienced as a young child? It seems to be dominating you at the moment. This is good. It’s impelling you to move in a new direction, to allow for the crisis that spiritual teachings bring forth, to bring about an inner balance by joining a specific group (from which you need preparation), to relax into a class you’re secretly longing for. You need to be there.

CANCER: Do you experience separation from or death of something or someone? Do you feel a great lessening of your energy, betrayed by your desires, hopes and aspirations? It’s important to realize that you have great gifts and abilities to see different aspects of subtle worlds. I don’t think you’re able yet to give yourself adequate respect or recognition for these gifts. They are a force for goodwill. They provide direction. Stand closer to these worlds.

LEO: Did something occur in relation to your parents when you were young? Were they absent, unavailable, hurting you or themselves? And did these experiences create a hard shell around you? Your heart constantly seeks understanding and healing. With others, so often you’re disappointed. No one seems to understand your needs. So you draw around yourself boundaries for safety. Wisdom is simply giving your heart away.

VIRGO: You’re very aware of the mind-body connection, of working with your health so that diet and nutrition are most important. You realize that you must, each day, keep yourself emotionally balanced, be able to concentrate on the needs of others, be able to discriminate between what others need and what you need. They are different. This is a learning curve. Connect with others not through pain but through how they serve.

LIBRA: It’s important to recognize the ways you’re creative, how you communicate and what truly makes you feel healthy, wealthy and wise. It’s important also to know the difference between happiness, joy and bliss. Happiness is an everyday, personality feeling. Joy is a soul experience that occurs when we connect and love is released. Bliss is otherworldly. It comes from spirit. Now you can identify and know yourself more.

SCORPIO: It would assist you to learn your family lineage, history and heritage. You are sensitive to everything. However, you hide it. When we know our roots – where we came from, who our relatives were, where they were from – we are able to understand ourselves better, gain acceptance of our family system and realize what learning still need to take place within ourselves. So many of us don’t know who we are. Never again would you feel abandoned.

SAGITTARIUS: Are you feeling alienated for some reason? Perhaps you feel eccentric to the point that others no longer understand you. Perhaps you’re trying to write about this. There’s a problem in making yourself understood? Or perhaps you’re not understanding yourself? Someone’s not listening. Is it you? Set the pain down.

CAPRICORN: Are you fearful that there is not enough money? Are finances in disorder? Are you not getting any pleasure from the resources you have? There is a difference between money, possessions, resources and wealth. Can you define each one? The situation here is one of values. What do you value? Are you of value? What is value? Everything gets down to self-worth. You are worthy.

AQUARIUS: Do not neglect yourself on any level or in any manner. Seek your fullest potential in all that you do, in everyone you encounter, wherever you go. In terms of travel and publishing, make sure all rules are adhered to, all structures in place. Leave nothing to chance. Each day help others to achieve their goals and dreams. Help others develop themselves. You are an Aquarian teacher.

PISCES: You must keep yourself healthy. Begin emotionally and then physically. Be aware of not absorbing other people’s thoughts, emotions and difficulties. You are empathic. To use this gift effectively, one must be emotionally and physically strong. Work on this. Allow no nervous tension into your body. You are bringing secrets out into the open for the benefit of humanity and your family. Protect yourself. Happy Birthday.

Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition


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