Esoteric Astrology as news for week Jan. 20-27


The Sun enters Aquarius on Wednesday, Jan. 20. The energies shift and change in our unpredictable world. From the concretion (earth, mountains) of Capricorn (Cardinal initiating sign) to the air of Aquarius – humanity’s sign of freedom, the future and the new age. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. This means Aquarius works with Uranus, which offers humanity revelations, revolutions and “all things new.” Aquarius calls humanity to create the New Culture and Civilization, bring forth the New Education (based on astrology and the Ageless Wisdom Teachings), create the New Economy (the Sharing Economy), feed the world differently (Biodynamic Gardening, Steiner’s work), and come to the aid of suffering humanity. There are quotes we can ponder upon this month as the Sun in Aquarius streams into the Earth bringing with it the changing, new world Aquarian energies.

From Buckminster Fuller (on creating the new world), “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

From Ryokan (Zen Buddist monk/hermit, poet) on serving suffering humanity, Oh, that my priest’s robe were wide enough ?to gather up all the suffering people? in this floating world.”

From Antero Alli (writer, astrologer, illuminator) on our present dislocated identity, We know who we are. We are the dispossessed, the outcasts, and the outsiders, rebels with a cause…we renunciate dominator culture’s status quo…wavering in the fog of dislocation. Free-floating between old worlds and new, guided only by the shining paths of mother evolution… we have passed the point of no-return and since there is no turning back, we celebrate the momentum lifting us on the wings of perception, grace, and whatever skills we have earned… Only when we are over, does our real life begin. (“The Eight-Circuit Brain”). Notes: Full moon (Saturday) and Mercury stationary direct (Monday). See my daily Facebook page for more information.

ARIES: As the world continues its shift from one age to the new (Pisces to Aquarius), you’re called to be a server of humanity, focusing your will (ingness) and abilities toward initiating the new culture and civilization and discovering like-minded groups who will assist you in this historical, era-changing task. This is what you’ve been called here to do in this present lifetime. Begin with intentions. Be dedicated.

TAURUS: You’re called to bring forth ideas that will activate and then support the work Aries (and the New Group of World Servers) will do as they initiate the new economic order (the New Sharing Society). The past months (if not years) you’ve known your job was to gather information for the times to come, which you know will be difficult. Even if only a few listen, carry on.

GEMINI: Your mind reverses itself into thinking about previous goals that did or did not manifest. You assess the education you did or did not complete. You think of travel and adventures, philosophies and religion, all these in order to sort out what you believe in. From your conclusions new goals, travels, adventures, ways of life emerge. A new mind is then formed for the new times.

CANCER: The coming weeks will uncover deep and unrecognized feelings. Careful. Don’t be too secretive about what you’re doing. You’ll want and need people around to share your thoughts and feelings, ideas and plans. Your heart’s missing people these days. You often have information valuable to other’s well-being. Say ‘yes’ more. Say yes to what’s offered. Then offer more.

LEO: You assess your everyday work, how to care for yourself on a daily basis, and the best ways to be effective and efficient with all responsibilities. Is more communication needed in certain relationships? There’s a need to share your values and to set time aside for special moments. Write down your values. The focus on values will continue. It’s a mirror into your future.

VIRGO: You’ll accomplish tasks and then redo them. You’ll think you’ve completed something and find it’s completely incomplete. You’ll find odds and ends from the past showing up seeking something or other. You’ll be busy, productive, at times impatient, look backward, backpedal when necessary, review, renew, and in the midst of it all this reorganization, you’re happy.

LIBRA: Daily life rhythms seem to have been interrupted. There’s a wound or pain or an inability to do what you are used to be doing. You need new tools to navigate. You’ve experienced a slow down. This is the time when creativity can express itself more fully. Recapture an art form you did from the past. Begin again. Think about home, family, growing up, and everything related to art and culture.

SCORPIO: You ponder upon questions of security and what determines emotional safety. You think about home, wondering where it is. You consider living in other areas and regions, consider ordering an astro-cartography (geographical astrology) chart. What you need to include in your thinking is community because in the future you can no longer be alone all the time. What would home in a community look like for you?

SAGITTARIUS: It’s good to explore neighborhoods, neighbors’ yards, downtowns, gardens, town squares and to have social contact with others. Focus on things local, consciously spending money that supports community endeavors. Also consider what’s of value to you, investing in the values you believe in. Stay steady. Information at times seems all mixed up. Feelings, too. Be silent for a while. Sag is the sign of silence.

CAPRICORN: Careful with communication. It may be missing here and there in the retrograde. Focus on defining your values. Try not to spend on non-essentials, depleting your financial resources. Do you have a monthly budget yet, to assess expenditures at months’ end? You will not lack money. It’s simply a time to value and be consciously careful with money and resources. You are valuable.

AQUARIUS: More and more people will be attracted to what you do, say and think. You will find yourself especially brilliant in terms of new ideas. A new self-identity dawns upon you. You’re more than you’ve ever thought yourself to be. It takes many years, lots of life experiences, many ups and downs for us to value ourselves. Your words are important. People listen. You’re more than you know.

PISCES: We see you struggling to flourish and maintain yourself. It’s a struggle of identity, geography, place, groups, leadership and of things constantly dissolving away. New opportunities and contacts eventually emerge out from the shadows. Each day you become more and more practical. A future plan is coming into form and matter. It loves you. Prepare each day for it. With hope and faith and prayer. Pisces’ tasks.


Risa – writer, teacher, founderand& director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute

A Contemporary Wisdom school – studying the Ageless Wisdom Teachings

Based on Astrology (the New Psychology) & the Seven Rays.

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