Esoteric Astrology as news for week Dec. 9-16


Forces of Light and Dark and the New Group of World Servers


Wednesday, Dec.9, Pluto opposes Sirius (13 Capricorn/Cancer joining the US Sun, 12 Cancer).

Sirius is the star of karma, freedom, Initiation. Pluto is the planet of transformation and purification. In our present world the Forces of Darkness are attacking (and eliminating) humanity’s Four Freedoms. Defined by President FD Roosevelt, the Four Freedoms are, 1) Freedom of Speech, 2) of Worship, 3) from Want, 4) from Fear. The Dark Forces, through constantly created terrorizing events and cultivating a culture of fear, threaten humanity’s well-being.

The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) is called to counteract this attack through daily meditation, prayer, visualizations and reciting the Soul & Great Invocations. The situation in our world is now in a state of emergency. The Sirius/Pluto opposition affects all of humanity, specifically the United States – whose task is to “lead humanity towards the Light.” Thus the first Initiation ––birthing a new spiritual reality of Life into the world.

Friday, Dec. 11 is the Sagitarrius (seeing the goal) new moon. During new moon festivals we “strengthen the endeavors of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).” Strength to support the Forces of Light in their battle against the Forces of Darkness.

Saturday is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe –mother of the Americas. We invoke the Mother to help us recognize the higher values coming into our world. Understanding the need for change, we stand with the wise engineering of these changes. We call forth control by the Soul to direct humanity, world leaders and all nations. This is our journey and our work together under the Sagittarius Light. May we all step forward. “Doing our part.”

ARIES: If traveling, careful this month. Are you pondering upon new professional ideas? Do you feel pressured to elevate your endeavors? Do you seek a religious or spiritual reality yet not knowing what to choose? As you work in the world Saturn is bringing discipline and structure to all plans, agendas and goals. Be kind and patient with others.

TAURUS: You seek resources for generations to come so everyone can feel safe and secure. Your studies help build the new culture and civilization. You do an important work. In the meantime, resources are hiding in rooms, closets, drawers, storage units and garages. Let everything be wide open into the fresh air. So you can see what you truly have. A wealth of resources.

GEMINI: Are relationships, one in particular, on your mind? Are resources held in common communicated about and being used practically and with care? Your money needs a practical reference point – a goal for its use, investments in land, building for the future. Money and relationships work together. Both are basic archetypes, needing harmony. Harmony emerges only after chaos and conflict. Recognize this.

CANCER: In your daily life, you seek to find new goals, meet those goals and discover others. However, it’s possible you can’t see clearly what your goals are. Goals influence our future. To discover the right goals, think on how your life is. Are you happy? Have you created separations? Are you alone? Connect relationships with your goals. Something seeks to be transformed in your life.

LEO: Your energy’s high as you gallop toward far-reaching goals. Your creativity is taking on a new structure and focus. You might feel at first a restraint especially if disharmony occurs with others. Choose revolution as an art form. Take camera, art supplies, bow and arrow, a horse and several dog companions along. There’s something you’ve wished to do for a long time. You return to where your heart truly resides.

VIRGO: Have you plans and goals for your home during this season? Are you seeking to change the structure of home and daily life? Are you spending time and energy on things for the self? Let yourself as valuable rest in your heart. There’s longing for new self-identity. Concentrated on the season’s festivities by making your home cheerful and welcoming, filled with lights, colors and nature. Do things differently this year. Joy impels you onward.

LIBRA: What is the foundation and source of your many beliefs? A deep transformative change penetrates your heart/mind and many beliefs begin to have no validity. Disconcerting at first, you’re actually being led to truths you were previously incapable of understanding. As beliefs break down, a greater capacity to (give/receive) love emerges. You will then understand the e.e.cummings’ poem, “be of love (a little) more careful than of anything.”

SCORPIO: It’s time to ponder upon then clarify goals concerning money and resources in order to make your future safe and practical. You don’t want to be wounded by not preparing adequately. It’s good to concentrate on building adequate resources for the times to come. These resources are not only for you. Others will join you for you have the stamina to face great challenges. And protect humanity.

SAGITTARIUS: “I see the goal, I reach the goal, and then I see another.” Keynote words significant to all Sag people. Concentrating on them allows a new self-identity to emerge. Seeking truth, you also seek justice and joy. It’s most important to acknowledge you travel from goal to goal. Goals change. What are they now? What would you like them to be? Look for swans, altars, harps, eagles, serpents while maintaining silence.

CAPRICORN: You stand in both inner and outer realities, in the world yet not of it, personal while also public. You accomplish much work each day, from morning till night. At day’s end you hope sleep brings refreshment and balance. For sleep, drops of nutmeg oil are good. Create rituals at home reflecting the sacred season. Create rhythms of prayer with family. These connect you with the heavens and the earth. You hear the symphony of the spheres.

AQUARIUS: Our outer reality is connected with our inner reality. What occurs in our outer life is based on what we believe, envision, have intentions for and our focus. Humanity, which you represent, is to bring forth the new culture and civilization, the new world order, learn the Aquarian Laws & Principles under which the new culture will emerge. Your present life is a template of this. Be grateful for even the difficulties. They hold secrets. You will lead the Way.

PISCES: Each day and night, through dreams and visions, new revelations appear. Revelations are gifts from the future. On our earth revelations often emerge from suffering, from grief and feelings of despair. You understand this line of poetry from Dante’s Divine Comedy “In the middle of the journey of my life, I came to a dark wood and found myself and my way lost.” That journey is coming to a fork in the road. Two paths are seen.



Risa ~ writer, teacher, founder and director –

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute,

a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mystery Tradition.



Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology