10 resolutions for a greener world


In honor of the new year, Heal the Bay issued resolutions that ocean lovers can keep this year to improve the health of local creeks, rivers, beaches and seas. These are easy steps to take daily at home or work.

1. Keep trash out of the gutter. Whatever debris is dumped onto city streets and sidewalks will eventually be carried to our beaches and oceans via the storm drain system.

2. Bring a reusable bag to the store. Californians use an estimated 15 billion single-use plastic bags annually. Less than 5% is recycled, meaning the vast majority clogs landfill, chokes our waterways and poses lethal threats to marine life.

3. Volunteer for a beach cleanup. See firsthand the impact that man-made trash has on local shorelines. Make an immediate difference by removing harmful debris before it reaches the sea.

4. Keep your family healthy at the beach. Download Heal the Bay’s mobile Beach Report Card app, which provides A to F water-quality grades for more than 500 beaches up and down the Pacific Coast (beachreportcard.org.).

5. Use the car wash. Most car washes recycle their water. If you must clean at home, use a bucket to conserve water and use biodegradable soap.

6. Go easy on the household chemicals. Use pesticides as little as possible. Use compost instead of chemical fertilizers. Drop off harsh chemical products at hazardous drop-off centers instead of pouring down the drain or gutter.

7. Pick up after your pet. Citizens walk a dog without picking up the droppings more than 82,000 times per month in Los Angeles County. The waste carries harmful bacteria that can cause severe health consequences to swimmers when washed to the ocean.

8. Don’t be a drip. Turn off faucets when not needed and fix leaky pipes. Install low-flow showerheads and toilets. Overwatering is wasteful and moves trash and toxins to the sea.

9. Watch your butt. Cigarette butts are the number one item collected at beach cleanups statewide. They are unsightly and contain highly toxic chemicals harmful to humans and animal life. Instead of flicking butts out the car window or leaving them on sidewalks, smokers should dispose of them properly.

10. Reduce waste. Purchase only what you truly need. Avoid items that are excessively packaged. Buy in bulk whenever possible.

For more information and involvement opportunities, visit healthebay.org.