$1.8 million GSW pipeline project set to begin Oct. 3


Golden State Water Company (Golden State Water) would like to alert the Blanco Park and Culver Crest communities in Culver City of a $1.8 million pipeline installation project that is scheduled to commence on Oct. 3. Including this project, Golden State Water plans to invest more than $7.4 million in its Culver City service area in 2016.

During the seven-month period through May 2017, crews will install more than 1.2 miles (6,500 feet) of new eight- inch water main along the roadways, replace 127 services and install 17 new fire hydrants. The project, which is aligned with the recent $600,000 investment to improve booster pump operations at the Bernardo Water Supply Facility, will ensure that Golden State Water can continue providing reliable water service and supporting fire protection for customers in the area.

Project Details

? Golden State Water is replacing the existing mains with eight-inch PVC pipe along the following roadways:

•Ranch Road, from Kelmore Street to east of Youngworth Road

• Youngworth Road, from Ranch Road to Flaxton Street

• FlaxtonStreet,fromYoungworthRoadtoDrakewoodAvenue

• Drakewood Avenue, from Youngworth Road to Ranch Roa

• Lugo Way, from Ranch Road to cul-de-sa

• Esterina Way, from Hill Road to Cranks Road cul-de-sac

• Linda Way, from Cranks Road to cul-de-sac

• Additional work along St. James Drive, Cranks Road and Hill Road

?  Crews will also replace 127 services and install 17 new fire hydrants within the project’s boundaries.

?  The project should be completed in May 2017. Construction will

take place from Monday to Friday, between the working hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm. Construction crews may begin arriving to the site beforehand, but no work will begin before 8 am. No work is scheduled for weekends or holidays, and the construction schedule will adhere to Culver City’s Holiday Slowdown Policy.

?  Traffic and parking may be impacted during construction working hours. There may be temporary street closures; however, alternative routes will be available. Residents will be notified in advance if access to driveways may be limited for short durations of time.

?  Residents in the immediate vicinity of construction may experience increased levels of noise. Crews will make every effort to keep dust to a minimum.

?  Weekly activities such as trash pickup will not be interrupted.

Golden State Water appreciates the community’s patience as it completes this important project. Proactive system maintenance has always been an emphasis for Golden State Water, as the company continually invests to upgrade both treatment and delivery systems in all service territories.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to our friendly and knowledgeable 24-hour Customer Service Center at (800) 999-4033.

A customer service representative will answer questions or arrange for direct correspondence with the project construction manager.