City-Wide disaster drill takes place soon


With 37 million people living and working in California, a major earthquake could cause unprecedented devastation. Major earthquakes may happen anywhere you work, live, or travel in California. Culver City officials stress being prepared.

The ShakeOut is a chance to practice as a community how to protect ourselves, and for everyone to become prepared. The goal is to save lives and prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes.

Join the Culver City Community and “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” on Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. Once you have verified that you and your family are OK, utilize the City’s “OK” sign program to let first responders know you are OK.

First responders (i.e., fire, police, CERT, CCARES) will be canvassing neighborhoods counting “OK” signs as they practice their emergency plans.

Yellow “OK” signs will be mailed to all Culve City residents.

If you don’t get one, make your own. Remember, in the event of a real disaster or emergency, you may have to get creative.

For those who have never participated in Culver City’s Disaster Drill, all you need to do is place an “OK” sign in your window or on your door in a location most visible from the public right of way to signal that you and your family are “OK.” In the event of a real disaster, if your family was not “OK,” you would post nothing and contact 9-1-1 to let them know of injuries.

If you would like more information on how to participate in the Great California ShakeOut, to participate in Culver City’s “ShakeOut” with the “OK” sign program, to download family disaster plans and disaster supply checklists, please visit our website at Additional information can also be found at